Toad Rage

Toad Rage

Morris Gleitzman 

Toad Rage follows the adventures of a lowly cane toad named Limpy, while he is trying to end the human hatred towards his species. It starts off by Limpy getting angry over the deliberate murder of his family and friends, when they are run over and squashed by humans. He decides that the best way to stop all the hatred towards cane toads is to try and get one to be a mascot for the Olympics.

This novel is set in Northern Queensland and looks at the problem of over population of an introduced species (cane toad), but from the cane toads perspective. Instead of looking at the over population as the problem Gleitzman looks at the unnecessary killing of cane toads. This is shown in the novel when Limpy witnesses the murder of one of his family members when a truck deliberately swerves to kill him/her. The ending to this novel sees Limpy not getting the coveted mascot role he was after, but forming a friendship with an Olympic athlete. With this Limpy realises that with being in the limelight around humans creates its own disadvantages.

The themes covered in this novel are all from the viewpoint of Limpy. The themes covered include; friendship, family, courage and facing adversity. These themes are covered throughout the novel while Limpy is on his quest. Friendship and family is consistently brought up when through his quest companion Goliath (his cousin and best friend). Facing adversity and courage is brought up through Limpy and Goliath conquering different challenges that are thrown his way on their journey. These themes could lead into an English program through having the students make connections between their own life and some events that they may be struggling or struggled through.

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